Rock'n'Roll High School

When Bart Nederhand and Daan Koch, two familiar faces from the Eindhoven music scene, had coffee together after a long time, a conversation sparked about how cool it is that since 'back in the day' - both men have been playing in bands since the '90s - the enthusiasm for learning to play a real instrument has never diminished. Both noticed this through the unabated demand for music lessons and band rehearsal spaces. Bart with his own Drum School 040 and Daan in his rehearsal space/studio Anker Studio. Daydreaming began; How cool would it be if there was a music school where young and old could come together with a lot of fun, receive lessons from enthusiastic experienced band musicians, and perhaps even rock an unforgettable show together on a cool stage? The idea of Rock'n'Roll High School was born.

At Rock'n'Roll High School, students are taught by enthusiastic teachers, all of whom have a lot of live experience, providing a powerful boost and contagious energy. Because there is a positive focus on a live show moment (nothing is mandatory, everything is allowed), students have the most effective motivation to grow on their instrument. Playing an instrument is cool, playing together is magical!


Foto's: ...    en Bram van Dal